On October 5, 2011, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) published it’s long anticipated (drum roll please) … OIG 2012 Work Plan. For those of you who are not…
Category: HIPAA & Compliance
OIG Work Plan Update – “What’s new for 2012?”
The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) released its 2012 Work Plan the other day, as they do every year at about this time. This is the annual publication that…
A Business Associate HIPAA Risk Assessment … “Why is it necessary?”
Organizations that were once “just” business associates of Covered Entities are realizing that they’re subject to HIPAA regulations to the same extent as the Covered Entities they contract with. And…
HIPAA Security Risk Assessment and Meaningful Use
There’s lots to do and keep track of when your medical practice is preparing for Meaningful Use Attestation. With that in mind, one of the Meaningful Use Criteria that I…
Business Associate Agreements – HIPAA and HITECH
Since 2003 HIPAA regulations have required that Business Associate Agreements be in place. However, some of the most far-reaching provisions of the HITECH Act of 2009 have to do with…
HIPAA Violation – Your Risk of Being Audited Just Went Up
Up to now, the many healthcare organizations that are Covered Entities under HIPAA law did not have to worry too much about outside scrutiny of their compliance activities. Most entities…
HIPAA Compliance: EHR Incentives, Risk Assessment, and Penalties
Financial penalties for HIPAA violations. How real are they? How about a recent $4.3 million civil penalty faced by Cignet Health of Prince George’s County, Maryland; or the also recent…
The Red Flags Rule Doesn’t Apply to Physician and Healthcare Organizations. “Really?”
Has your medical billing consultant told you that the Red Flags Rule has been repealed for physician practices and other healthcare organizations? Now that Congress has passed and sent to…
In Healthcare, “Exposure is the New Privacy.” Your Online Presence has Arrived.
We are entering, actually, we already are deep into the digital medical world without a clear and proven guide to ensure privacy. Patients themselves disclose ePHI about them on social…
Physicians Already Seeing Early Impact of Healthcare Reform – Are You Prepared?
Even though many provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act are implemented in 2014, some are active right now. Many of these changes will affect what the covered…
“Health Reform Bill” & New Rules About Medical Compliance
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Public Law 111-148), also referred to as the “Health Insurance Reform Bill”, is a federal statute that was signed into law by President Barack…
Understanding the IRO – Independent Review Organization
This video will provide an overview on the role, purpose, and function of an Independent Review Organization, also referred to as an IRO. This will be in the context of…
EHR Due Diligence – Include a Site Visit to Existing Users
An On-Site Visit to an existing user is a critical element in the selection of an EHR system As part of the due diligence process you go through, you should,…
Are your Compliance Policies and Procedures ready for Red Flags Rule?
The FTC has extended the effective date of the FTC’s Red Flag Rules several times in the past several months, but it looks like they will not be extended again. The…
How do Medical Group Practices Prepare for Health Insurance Reform?
Strategies that medical practices should consider! Now that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has become a reality, let’s NOT talk about it! Let’s NOT give you another outline…
Compliance Policies and Procedures – Are yours really in effect, or is it just on paper?
Many healthcare organizations have created Compliance Plans or Programs, but putting the initial documentation of your plan in place is the easy part. The hard part is implementing your compliance policies…
Medicare Administrative Contractors – They do audits, too!
We hear a great deal about RAC audits, Medicaid Integrity Program audits, HEAT task force efforts, and other initiatives to reduce waste, fraud and abuse, but Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) do audits, too….
Red Flags Rule – Delayed Again! But is your practice ready?
The effective date of the FTC’s Red Flag Rules has been extended several times, and at the last moment, was extended again! The new effective date is June 1, 2010. Will…
Passwords – an integral part of HIPAA and Compliance
I was reading an article the other day on passwords. The author was doing his best to articulate a stern admonition on the potential exposure when one does not change…
The HITECH Act’s Other Problem – HIPAA Compliance
I’m sure that I’m not the only one out there who’s at times overwhelmed by the amount of chatter and attention that the HITECH Act is getting, most of which…