HIPAA Policy Requirements

Have you ever heard the saying “the job is not complete until the paperwork is done?” Covered Entities and Business Associates should be cognizant of the importance of finalizing and…

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What is MACRA?

The roll out of MACRA (Medicare Access and CHIP Re-authorization Act) is expected to proceed, regardless of changes in the Affordable Care Act. MACRA is part of a broader push…

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ACO Compliance – Unique and Different!

ACO Compliance include requirements specific to the nature and operations of an ACO.  It is somewhat different than a “traditional” healthcare provider, be it a Covered Entity or a Business…

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HIPAA Breach Disclosure Requirements

In my previous blog HIPAA Breach Notification Rule, I discussed the definition of a HIPAA Breach, and some of the requirements for HIPAA Breach Notifications.  Today we will look at…

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HIPAA Breach Notification Rule

HIPAA Breach Notification Rules under the HITECH and GINA Act issued modifications to HIPAA Privacy, Security, and Enforcement. This is commonly known as the Omnibus Rule. The Omnibus Rule mandates…

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OIG Work Plan 2017 – An Introduction

On November 15, 2016, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) released the OIG Work Plan 2017. Totaling over 100 pages this year, you can download the OIG 2017 Work Plan here on our…

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Ransomware and HIPAA

Ransomware and HIPAA: the Federal Government has recently issued two resource documents: the first discusses protecting your network from ransomware, the second, a Ransomware and HIPAA fact sheet.  Both are…

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